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I will try my best to get things so you are not out of pocket.

However, if you do purchase something, please do it on paper and put it in an envelop in my faculty mailbox. Do NOT hand it to me.

1. Go to the SFU reimbursement site

2. Print out the 3 page reimbursement form (the 1st 2 pages look like travel, but we still have to submit all 4 pages).

3. Fill in as much as you can concerning the date of purchase, price, serial number, and so on. (Page 4 I believe).

4. Leave my name and budget numbers blank.

5. Attach the original receipts (or we don't get reimbursed, period).

6. Put it in a large envelop so you don't have to fold anything.

7. Put a $ sign on it.

8. Leave it in my faculty mailbox.

9. You are obligated to do this even if I give you cash and you are not out of pocket.

10. I will finish it, photocopy it, get signatures, and send on.