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== June 2007 ==
[[Ongoing Collection of Conferences / Festivals]]
== May 2007 ==
Back to [[Main Page]]
== April 2007 ==
== April 2009 ==
'''April 15 : Canada Council for the Arts / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council New Media Initiative DEADLINE'''
== January 2009 ==
== March 2007 ==
'''March 31 : Juried International Networked Art Competition Call for Proposals'''
'''CONCEPT: MIXED REALITIES''' calls for proposals that challenge our preconceptions of what constitutes "reality." It asks producers to create environments that invite participants to act/perform in multiple spaces.
== October 2008 ==
Information and telecommunications technologies allow us to be continuously connected via the Internet or mobile networks. We engage one another via e-mail, chat, the interlinked pages of the World Wide Web, and SMS. We create identities, and forge relationships and communities. Boundaries between real space and virtual space blur; near and far reverse themselves. Passive consumption of art is replaced by the ''performative--art'' that requires ''(inter)action'', and involves time and space.
'''October 15 : The Phenomenological Body, Its Spaces and Limits DEADLINE'''
'''March 9 : Prix Ars Electronica 2007 Entry Deadline'''
== October 2007 ==
Main Categories''' http://www.aec.at/en/prix/cat_overview.asp
* Computer Animation / Film / VFX
* Interactive Art
* Digital Musics
* Hybrid Art
* Digital Communities
* u19 – Freestyle Computing
* [The Next Idea] Art and Technology Grant
* Media.Art.Research Award
'''March 1.''' Call for Proposals
OBORO welcomes original projects that promote critical thinking and artistic practices. We accept proposals from artists, artist collectives, and independent curators who are looking to present exhibits, events and conferences as well as to produce publications or do a residency. OBORO also hosts media art related residencies throught its New Media Lab (for more information please visit: http://www.oboro.net/lab/activities.html).
== September 2007 ==
The programming committee looks at artistic vision, Montréal context, diversity and budget when considering a proposal. Before submitting your portfolio please look at our website carefully. It provides a good overview of past artistic content. In terms of work requiring the use of technology, please contact us to make sure we have the resources you need. OBORO pays artist fees in accordance with standards set by representative organizations and bodies responsible for collecting royalties.
== February 2007 ==
Archival papers and notes document work that makes a lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of human-computer interaction.
== January 2007 ==
'''SEPTEMBER 15 : DEADLINE FOR iDEAs 07: Beyond Boundaries'''
'''January 12''' Call for Work in progress, CHI 2007
You are invited to submit digital art and design to iDEAs 07: Beyond Boundaries, an exhibition of artistic and innovative digital installations, creative mobile media, interactive pieces, web sites, games, digital images, film and video and more.
iDEAs 07 coincides with the International Digital Media and Arts Association conference Beyond Boundaries November 8th-10th, 2007
'''January 19''' Call for Art Gallery, SIGGRAPH 2007
'''January 19''' Call for Emerging Technology, SIGGRAPH 2007
Enactive / 07 is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE and organized by the ACROE-ICA group, from INP-G. It will be held in Grenoble (France) on November 19-22, 2007.
'''31 January 2007.''' Second Call for Abstracts for MutaMorphosisA Leonardo 40th Anniversary celebration
MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences 8-10 November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
The international conference will concentrate on the growing interest -- within the worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in EXTREME AND HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic indicators of the mutations that are taking place. They are potential vectors that make possible an awareness of the different problems at the origin of the disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the Earth's eco-systems.
'''SEPTEMBER 7 : transmediale.08 - Conspire ... DEADLINE'''
We invite practitioners in the arts, sciences, engineering and humanities to submit abstracts that explore the limits and extremes within the following streams of interest:
festival for art and digital culture berlin
How do the arts and sciences deal with new ideas about strategies of life in extreme conditions?
== August 2007 ==
How do the arts and sciences face radical scales and extreme environments?
How do the arts and sciences address evolving ideas about cognition in extreme environments?
500-word abstracts required by 31 January 2007 via email to mutamorphosis@ciant.cz
== July 2007 ==
All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of International Advisory Committee including Marc Battier, Nina Czegeldy, Michele Emmer, Machiko Kusahara, Lubica Lacinova, Michael Punt, Sonya Rapoport, Nicolas Reeves and others.
'''JULY 29 : CFP FOR ENACTIVE / 07'''
Submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference is organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. The festival will feature also the first retrospective exhibition of Frank J. Malina.  
Enactive / 07 is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE and organized by the ACROE-ICA group, from INP-G. It will be held in Grenoble (France) on November 19-22, 2007.
Conference Honorary Panel includes: Rudolf Arnheim, Ivan M. Havel, Jasia Reichardt, Itsuo Sakane, Sonia Sheridan
Join us in Prague 8-10 November 2007.
Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info
'''JULY 01 : CFP for ICAT2007'''
Leonardo-isast mailing list
ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and Telexistence. The annual conference began in Japan and apart from New Zealand in 2005 the conference has never been held outside of Asia (Japan, South Korea, and China). Denmark is proud to be the inaugural European host country with Esbjerg, the Danish city of the year 2006 as host city.
== December 2006 ==
The International ArtAbilitation conference (http://www.artabilitation.net) will be held parallel to ICAT.
== June 2007 ==
Deadline: December 1st, 2006
'''JUNE 01 : CFP for ISMAR2007 : Papers & Posters'''
Year Zero One is seeking submissions for Terminal01 (T01), an interactive networked art exhibition to be lauched at Toronto Pearson International Airport in the spring of 2007. T01 will consist of a custom made kiosk housing a touch-sensitive screen, an audio-video output, an embedded web camera, sensors and projection screen. Artists will be invited to create site-responsive computer generated work based on their experience and interpretation of air travel environs, airports, mobility, flight data and networked communities. Emphasis will be given to works with a generative component or works dealing directly with themes relevant to travel (space-time).  
For information, please go to: http://www.year01.com/terminal01/submit.html.
Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) allow the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces, and are beginning to show significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, wearable computing, mobile computing, computer networks, displays, sensors, to name just some of the most important influences. MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide range of applications.
'''JUNE 02 : CFP for ACM Multimedia 2007'''
April 25–29 2007
Interactive Art Program: Short Papers Submission Deadline
Exhibition April 25 - May 20 2007
The European Media Art Festival will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2007!
'''JUNE 15 : CFP for VRST2007 : Short Papers'''
Ever since its establish- ment, the EMAF has been one of the most influ- ential Media Art forums. As an international meeting point for artists, curators, gallery owners and an audience of specialists, the festival has had a great impact on topics and aesthetics of Media Art. Every year the festival offers a current overview of experimental films, in- stallations, performances, digital formats and hybrid forms, ranging from popular subjects and formal experiments to provocative statements.  
The ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality.
At the festival an international jury will present the ›EMAF Award‹ for a trend-setting work in Media Art and the ›Dialogpreis‹ of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of intercultural exchanges. Also the jury of the German Federal Association of Film Journalists will be awarding the prize for the best German experimental film.
Not only the latest productions will be presented – inventories and perspectives will also be a focal point of the anniversary in 2007. How has digi- talisation changed artistic production? What effects does this have on distribution and market- ing – and also on reception? What are the inter- dependencies between artistic and commercial media production? Have these processes affected aesthetics and contents?
We warmly invite you to discuss these and other questions at the festival, to celebrate our anni- versary with us in April 2007 and to discover the fascination of the experimental with us.  
== May 2007 ==
Call for Entries 2007
'''MAY 20 : CFP for VRST2007 : Full Papers'''
The ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality.
// CINEMA Experimental shorts and feature films, music videos, new forms of narration and documentation as well as special programmes
// EXHIBITION The latest installations from April 25 to May 20 2007 at the art gallery ›Dominikanerkirche‹
'''MAY 22 : CFP for ACM Multimedia 2007'''
// EXPANDED MEDIA Performances, music and sound projects, live acts, veejaying and the latest concepts of expanded cinema
Interactive Art Program: Long Paper and Art Exhibition Submission Deadline
// D-FLUXX Artistic projects of digital media action and inter- action
// INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FORUM The contact and project exchange for new schemes, tendencies and training concepts from the media universities, academies of art and design colleges
// CONGRESS Panels and issues covering the various elements of the festival in talks, workshops, artist presentations and panel discussions
'''MAY 25 : Call for Entries ARTS 2007 - Surrey Art Gallery'''
Deadline for entry: Fri, May 25,  4pm
'''Dec. 15''' Call for Submissions: Creativity & Cognition Conference 2007 (CC2007)
The Arts Council of  Surrey, in collaboration with the Surrey Art Gallery, invites  artists working in a variety of  materials to enter its annual juried art exhibition. ARTS 2007 will  take place at the Surrey Art Gallery from June 23 to August 19.
This is the first call for the Creativity & Cognition Conference 2007
The Arts Council of Surrey welcomes entries from artists residing in Surrey, White Rock,  Langley, Delta and Richmond. Artists from outside these areas are  also encouraged to enter; however, they must belong to clubs that are  members of the Arts Council of  Surrey, or must become an  individual member.
(CC2007), which will be held in Washington DC, June 13-15, 2007.
We believe that creativity is a fundamental topic to address the
Follow this link to the Surrey Art Gallery's Information for Artists web page:
important challenges of knowledge-based societies of the future - and
hopefully, CC2007 will make a major contribution in bringing
researchers, practitioners, and educators together to advance an
understanding of this conference topic, find common themes, and
produce rigorous research at the convergence of technology, science,
and arts.
The important dates are:
www.surrey.ca/Living+in+Surrey/Arts/Surrey+Art+Gallery/Opportunities/Calling+All+Artists.htm <http://www.surrey.ca/Living+in+Surrey/Arts/Surrey+Art+Gallery/Opportunities/Calling+All+Artists.htm> 
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2006
Questions and/or  comments? Contact the Arts  Council of Surrey at 604-585-2787 or info@artscouncilofsurrey.ca <mailto:info@artscouncilofsurrey.ca> .
Author Notification: February 19, 2007
== April 2007 ==
Final formatted papers due: March 19, 2007
A copy of the call for papers is attached to this message, and a
'''Sketches & Posters''' http://www.siggraph.org/s2007/presenters/sap/
conference website is available at:
The Sketches & Posters program provides a forum for new and thought-provoking ideas, techniques, and applications in computer graphics and interactive techniques. This program covers a broad spectrum of topics in art, design, science, and engineering. Targeting the frontiers of these areas, Sketches & Posters encompasses ideas ranging from speculation to academic research, from industrial development and practical tools to behind-the-scenes explanations of commercial and artistic work. Submitted abstracts describe the work in a single page, but the goal of these programs to is present and discuss the work in person at SIGGRAPH 2007.
Access to previous Creativity and Cognition Conference materials can
Sketches & Posters offers two distinct presentation styles: as either a scheduled oral presentation (a "sketch") in an auditorium, or as visual materials (a "poster") on display in the convention center. Poster presenters will be asked to appear with their posters (and/or similar materials) to meet interested viewers at intervals during the conference.
be found at:
== November 2006 ==
'''November 1.''' CAFKA.07 Call for Proposals
ACM Multimedia 2007 invites you to participate in the premier annual multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia computing: from underlying technologies to applications, theory to practice, and servers to networks to devices.
Our physical connection to objects and spaces is essential to our being in the world: in the environments we inhabit, in the ways we relate to one another, and in the products we create. We ask artists to consider actual or metaphorical possibilities enabled by the haptic connection, whether achieved through exceptional handling of traditional materials or of new media. The exhibition will take place in and around Kitchener City hall for 11 days at the end of September, 2007.
The technical program will consist of plenary sessions and talks with topics of interest in:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;(a) Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval;<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;(b) Multimedia networking, sensor networks, and systems support;<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;(c) Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications; and<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;(d) Multimedia interfaces;
For more information visit: http://www.contemporaryartforum.ca
Online Submmission : http://www.newformsfestival.com/submissions/submission.php
'''November 3.''' Call for Works : Image Festival 2007
Film + Video early deadline
The New Forms Festival is an annual cross-disciplinary festival exploring installation, performance, music, film, and electronic arts.
For more information visit : http://www.imagesfestival.com/index-iF.php
== March 2007 ==
'''November 30.''' NANOART 2006 Competition
Open to All Artists – Original Electron Microscope Working Image is provided
'''CONCEPT: MIXED REALITIES''' calls for proposals that challenge our preconceptions of what constitutes "reality." It asks producers to create environments that invite participants to act/perform in multiple spaces.
This is the first ever on-line NanoArt worldwide competition open to all artist 18 years and older. The purpose of this competition is to promote NanoArt as one of the new art disciplines of the 21st Century. NanoArt is a new art form where micro/nanosculptures created by artists/scientists through chemical/physical processes and/or natural micro/nanostructures are visualized with powerful research tools like Scanning Electron Microscopes. The monochromatic electron microscope images are processed further to create a piece of art that can be showcased for a large audience to educate the public with creative images that are appealing and acceptable. To read more about NanoArt and Nanotechnology please visit www.nanoart21.org.  
Information and telecommunications technologies allow us to be continuously connected via the Internet or mobile networks. We engage one another via e-mail, chat, the interlinked pages of the World Wide Web, and SMS. We create identities, and forge relationships and communities. Boundaries between real space and virtual space blur; near and far reverse themselves. Passive consumption of art is replaced by the ''performative--art'' that requires ''(inter)action'', and involves time and space.
In these days, anyone could have access to these advanced tools at universities or independent labs for an hourly rate. For this competition, the sponsor, nanoart21.org founded by artist/scientist Cris Orfescu (www.absolutearts.com/nanoart), will provide a high resolution monochromatic electron scan. The participating artists will have to alter this image in any artistic way to finish the artistic process and create a NanoArt work.
Submission deadline is November 30, 2006.
The artworks entered this competition will be displayed on-line for voting starting December 1, 2006 through January 31, 2007. Judging is via the Internet and decided by our site visitors. The sponsor reserves the final decision. Winners will be notified and published on-line on February 15, 2007.
One entry is allowed per artist. The Entry Form and the image file for web presentation should be sent by email to nanoart2006@nanoart21.org. The web image file must be .jpg or .gif with the longer dimension of maximum 600 pixels at a resolution of 72 dpi. A Working Image of approximate 3000 x 2300 pixels at a resolution of 72 dpi will be provided by sponsor. This will be the original image (the scanning electron microscope image above) that should be converted by artist in a piece of art. This image will be used by artists for this competition only and is a working vehicle for the artists to exercise their talent and creativity. Copyright for this image remains with the nanoart21.org. Copyright of entered artworks remains with the artist who agrees to grant permission to nanoart21.org to use the submitted material in exhibits on the nanoart21.org web site and other media for marketing and printing. For complete competition details and to download the Entry Form and Working !
'''Main Categories''' http://www.aec.at/en/prix/cat_overview.asp
* Computer Animation / Film / VFX
* Interactive Art
* Digital Musics
* Hybrid Art
* Digital Communities
* u19 – Freestyle Computing
* [The Next Idea] Art and Technology Grant
* Media.Art.Research Award
== October 2006 ==
'''October 1''' Call for Participation: chico.art.net v.3
OBORO welcomes original projects that promote critical thinking and artistic practices. We accept proposals from artists, artist collectives, and independent curators who are looking to present exhibits, events and conferences as well as to produce publications or do a residency. OBORO also hosts media art related residencies throught its New Media Lab (for more information please visit: http://www.oboro.net/lab/activities.html).
chico.art.net is an annual international juried online exhibition that is currently looking for exciting and provocative interactive artwork made for the internet arena. Projects must be made between 2005-2006.
Please no commercial, design, portfolio or traditional media sites.
The programming committee looks at artistic vision, Montréal context, diversity and budget when considering a proposal. Before submitting your portfolio please look at our website carefully. It provides a good overview of past artistic content. In terms of work requiring the use of technology, please contact us to make sure we have the resources you need. OBORO pays artist fees in accordance with standards set by representative organizations and bodies responsible for collecting royalties.
Deadline: October 1, 2006
== January 2007 ==
E-mail submissions to chicoartnet@gmail.com
* '''JANUARY12''' Call for Work in progress, CHI 2007
Please include project URL, brief description (no more than 100 words), artist statement and browser/technical requirements in the body of the e-mail. No attachments please.
* '''JANUARY19''' Call for Art Gallery, SIGGRAPH 2007
Selected projects will be expected to stay live at the submitted URL through May 2007.
* '''JANUARY19''' Call for Emerging Technology, SIGGRAPH 2007  
Exhibition opens December 13, 2006.
'''JANUARY31''' Second Call for Abstracts for MutaMorphosisA Leonardo 40th Anniversary celebration
chico.art.net v.2 featured works by babel, Shawn Bailey & Jennifer Willet, Jillian McDonald, Dylan Davis, Brian Judy, Juliet Davis and Nicolas Clauss
MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences 8-10 November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
Produced by The Electronic Arts Program, California State University Chico Department of Art & Art History
The international conference will concentrate on the growing interest -- within the worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in EXTREME AND HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic indicators of the mutations that are taking place. They are potential vectors that make possible an awareness of the different problems at the origin of the disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the Earth's eco-systems.
Originally from Rhizome.org Raw at September 6, 2006, 14:58, published by nicholas economos
We invite practitioners in the arts, sciences, engineering and humanities to submit abstracts that explore the limits and extremes within the following streams of interest:
Type  announcement
Genre  net, show
Keywords  interact, exhibition, digital, Internet
1. LIFE<br />
How do the arts and sciences deal with new ideas about strategies of life in extreme conditions?
2. SPACE<br />
How do the arts and sciences face radical scales and extreme environments?
'''October 15''' call for submissions net_sight 2006
3. COGNITION<br />
How do the arts and sciences address evolving ideas about cognition in extreme environments?
500-word abstracts required by 31 January 2007 via email to mutamorphosis@ciant.cz
All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of International Advisory Committee including Marc Battier, Nina Czegeldy, Michele Emmer, Machiko Kusahara, Lubica Lacinova, Michael Punt, Sonya Rapoport, Nicolas Reeves and others.
Since 1998 mur.at has been working on a virtual NetSculpture which is constantly growing and branching out. This widely ramified Net – the leased line net – offers a democratic and unbureaucratic access to new communication and information technologies to people engaged in the artistic and cultural sector in the area of Graz apart from e-business and e-commerce. The NetNodeSculpture includes an infrastructure which allows continuous work of art organisations and people engaged in the cultural sector.
Submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference is organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. The festival will feature also the first retrospective exhibition of Frank J. Malina.  
In order to be able to experience the virtual space in real public space, mur.at initiates a contest for making this virtual sculpture - which is spread over Graz like a network - visible for all.
Conference Honorary Panel includes: Rudolf Arnheim, Ivan M. Havel, Jasia Reichardt, Itsuo Sakane, Sonia Sheridan
Target of the contest
Join us in Prague 8-10 November 2007.
For the promotion of NetArt and NetCulture mur.at offers the possibility to deal with the community in an artistic way and to implement the winning project.
Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info
The virtual sculpture will be transferred to a tangible space in order to be visible also as real locality. Therewith the virtual sculpture becomes a sculpture that can be conceived with all senses in the public space of Graz. The sculpture shall be developed and implemented in various media.
Desired form of submitted projects
desired are...
Leonardo-isast mailing list
..artistic projects, which refer and use the contents and infrastructure of mur.at, the nodes and/or the mur.at-community.
..artistic projects which excel at using unconventional ideas of „Visualization“.
..unrealised projects from the various areas of art; projects which deal with the subject of a NetSculpture. This can be projected in form of media- and space- installations, sound projects, memorial tablets, photo or video projects, as long as it appears meaningful with regard to the subject.
The expression „Visualization“ shall be considered a metaphor and the type of realisation shall not be limited to a specific medium.
Prize money / Implementation
First prize
The project which is ranked first by the jury will be implemented from December 2006 to end of May 2007. The budget for the implementation (incl. remuneration) is € 10.000,-.
The project will be showcased during a ceremony.
Appreciation prize
The most innovative, but not realizable project will be awarded with an appreciation prize amounting to € 300,-.
During an exposition opening on December 1, 2006, the 10 best projects will be presented to the public. The budget for the presentation of the concepts is
€ 200,- each, whereas the form of presentation (choice of media, etc.) is up to the presenters.
There is no splitting of the prizes.
Members of the Jury:
1 representative of the mur.at team: Johannes Zmölnig: financial treasurer of the mur.at executive committee; artistic-scientific assistant at IEM (Institute for Electronic Music) (Graz, A).
1 representative of the nodes: Reni Hofmüller: media artist and artistic director of ESC im labor (Graz, A).
1 vote of the mur.at-community: every mur.at member has the right to vote. The resulting ranking counts as the community-vote.
Katharina Gsöllpointner: Culture- and mediatheorist (Vienna, A) (to be confirmed).
Inke Arns: Artistic director of hartware medien kunst verein Dortmund. Since 1993 free curator and author with focus on MediaArt, NetCultures, Eastern Europe (Dortmund, Ger) (to be confirmed).
The meeting of the jury is open to the public.
When: Friday, November 3, 2006 at 10:00 hrs
Where: mur.at, Leitnergasse 7, A-8010 Graz
The Call for submissions is open to the general public. The target group consists of people engaged in the artistic and cultural sector with the focus on the community of mur.at. There are no limits of age, education or nationality of the submitting persons.
Please note
Final date for submission is October 15, 2006.
The submission may only be made online by filling out the submission form.
All informations for the submission at http://mur.at/verein/net_sight
In addition to the personal data (not visible for the jury), please upload (in pdf format) an abstract (max. 3000 characters) as well as a detailed project description incl. a rough estimate of cost and a time scedule (Attention: only one pdf-file can be uploaded).
The submitted projects may not exceed a cost frame of € 10.000,-. Any maintenance activities of the projects must be included in the cost estimate.
Due to the fact that the submitted projects will be handled anonymously, please do not mention names nor logos in the project descriptions.
We can only accept submissions which are complete and made anonymous.
We do not assume any liability for the submitted concepts.
In case of a refusal of a project, its authors are not entitled to raise any claims upon mur.at or persons acting on behalf of mur.at.
mur.at reserves the right to use the submitted material for the purpose of documentation.
The winners (first prize, appreciation prize, the 10 best projects) will be informed about the results by e-mail until November 10, 2006. In their own interest, the participants in the contest shall strive to be reachable at the e-mail address contained in the submission form during the whole period of notification.
Awards Ceremony / Presentation
When: December 1, 2006 at 19:00 hrs
Where: to be defined
The awards ceremony of the contest will be held on December 1, 2006 during the exposition of the 10 best project concepts. The artists are not obliged to present their concepts.
The winners (first prize, appreciation prize) commit to personally receive the prizes and present their projects during the exposition.
Groups and institutions are requested to nominate one or max. two representatives. Any travel expenses of the winners for the journey to the exposition / presentation will be compensated by mur.at (train: 2nd class; plane: economy class).
The implementation budget and the remuneration for the best project are dedicated to its implementation. mur.at assists in the whole period of implementation and reserves the right to ask for a proof of the adequate utilization of the prize money.
It is the intention of mur.at to document the entire contest (incl. all submitted concepts and the finally implemented project) in an online archive.
For general questions please contact:
Andrea Schlemmer (Project Coordinator)
mur.at, Verein zur Förderung von Netzwerkkunst
Leitnergasse 7, A-8010 Graz
tel: ++43/316/82 14 51 ext. 26
cell: ++43/699/126 05 795
fax: ++43/316/82 14 51 ext. 26
e-mail: andrea_at_mur.at (Subject: „net_sight“)
For technical questions please contact the noc-team:
Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00 hrs.
tel: ++43/316/82 14 51 ext. 55
e-mail: noc_at_mur.at (Subject: „net_sight“)
'''Oct. 16.''' VIDA 9.0
VIDA 9.0 is the eighth edition of an international competition created to reward excellence in artistic creativity in the fields of Artificial Life and related disciplines.
In previous years prizes have been awarded to projects that included autonomous robots, avatars, recursive chaotic algorithms, knowbots, cellular automata, computer viruses, virtual ecologies that evolve with user participation, and works that highlight the social side of Artificial Life. Applicants should refer to awards previously granted at VIDA’s web page (http://www.telefonica.es/vida) to determine suitability of their project. 
Some of the issues explored may include, but are not limited to:
- How autonomous agents shape and interpret our data-saturated environment. 
- How empathy is created between artificial entities and ourselves. 
- The anthropomorphization of the datasphere and its inhabitants. 
- How interactive systems may be designed to spark interest in emerging phenomena involving Artificial Life.
'''October 20''' Call for Proposals:Beall Center for Art and Technology
The Beall Center for Art and Technology seeks projects of high artistic merit that use technology in innovative ways. We offer honorarium and project costs of up to $20,000, to realize the project in our 2500 sqf space. We are also interested in collaborating with other institutions to fund projects of larger scale. We are currently soliciting proposals for exhibition years 2007 and 2008. The proposals will be reviewed in November of 2006 by the Beall Center Curatorial Review Committee, and artists notified in early Winter of 2007.
The Beall Center produces exhibitions and performances in the visual arts, theater, dance, and music, and particularly seeks works that successfully integrate new forms or uses of technology with artistic production or performance. In addition, as the Beall Center has an exceptionally well- developed and flexible infrastructure, and knowledgeable staff that is found in very few art and technology centers, preference will be given to works that can not easily be displayed or performed elsewhere.
Artists, curators, or institutions are eligible to submit proposals. Priority is given to cross-disciplinary projects. Artists or organizations that have previously received funding from the Beall Center must wait at least two years before reapplying. Women and artists of color are encouraged to apply.
Available Facilities
The Beall Center is a 2500 square foot black box with a highly configurable network grid, and connectivity to gigabit speed Ethernet. See ÒFacilityÓ http://beallcenter.uci.edu for additional information.
Deadline for Application:October 20, 2006
Award Notification: Winter 2007
Proposals should be submitted only in electronic format (pdf) and should include :
1) Contact Information (name of lead applicant, address, email, phone)
2) Project abstract: 100 words
3) Project description (500 word max.)
4) Resume or curriculum vitae for applicant and all participants.
5) One page itemized budget.
6) List of equipment and other resources required. If you will require technical assistance, please outline the nature of that support (hardware, software, expectations of personnel, and programming skills that will be required).
7) Copy of any matching awards or copy of funding request for external and internal sources.
Priority will be given to projects with supplemental funding.
8) Preliminary visual diagrams indicating installation concepts, in electronic format (pdf).
9) Samples of work: For ease of presentation it is best to submit images within the PDF proposal document. Include detailed explanations about the work samples. Time-base should be submitted in QuickTime mov files on cd or dvd media only (NO DVDÕs); and for sound works, submit audio files in mp3, refer to your video or audio files in your proposal, with a describtion.
10) Please be prepared to provide two references; you may be contacted during the review process to provide these.
Award Criteria
Criteria used to select proposals include the following:
1) Intellectual and artistic merit in the proposed project
2) Degree of technological innovation
3) Feasibility of the project under sponsorship of the Beall Center
4) Extent of collaborative and interdisciplinary activity
5) Possibility of subsequent installation or performances outside UCI
6) Presence of matching funds
For a list of previously funded projects (2000-2006), see
Methods of Submission
The preferred submission method (but not required) is to post your proposal and work samples on your website
1. Mail proposal cd, or dvd media (not as dvds) only to:
Beall Center for Art and Technology
Exhibition Grant Proposal
HTC 101, University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2775
Attn: Eleanore Stewart
2. Email proposal to estewart@uci.edu or dfamilia@uci.edu
Contact Information
Eleanore Stewart, Director
(949) 824-8945
David Familian, Associate Director
(949) 824-4543
'''Oct. 20.''' CFP, Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007 
held as the 14th Annual Mardi Gras Conference
15-17 February 2007, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
'''Oct. 20 Japan Media Arts Festival'''
Japan Media Arts Festival is a festival of media arts where works of media arts created using new ways of presentation and distinguished artistic expressions are recognized and creative activities of leading-edge media arts are introduced to a wide audience.
Now that a lot of international attention is given to Japanese media art works such as arts, mangas, animations and games, Japan Media Arts Festival, which attempts to establish a new axis of recognition without being constricted by a conventional framework, has received increased attention not only from Japan but also from overseas. The Festival will accept applications from every sphere and will not make distinctions between professional, amateur, independent productions, commercial productions, etc. Beyond the established conventional framework, how far can the potentialities of media arts expand? The Festival requires new creativeness and representational power.
'''Oct. 20 Call for Projects : STRP - Eindhoven, Netherlands'''
After a successful first edition, the STRP festival, which took place 
in Eindhoven, Netherlands at the end of March 2006, is launching a 
call for projects for its next edition, which will be taking in late 
April of 2007.
The focus of the festival is the common ground created at the 
intersection between art, popular culture and technology. The first 
edition which welcomed over 10 000 visitors, and received very 
positive attention from the press, made use of performances, 
installations, lectures, films, etcetera in order to convey this 
STRP takes place on Strijp-S, the 'holy' ground of the forbidden city 
of Philips, where in the 20th century numerous technological 
innovations were made which changed the world. A place where Einstein 
once worked, the first complete electronic music album was created and 
the collaboration between le Courboisier and Varese resulted in one of 
the most interesting amalgamations between art and technology, Le 
Poeme Electronique for the World Expo in Brussels (1958).
STRP is looking for projects, installations, or proposals that concern 
themselves with interactive art, robotics and/or Live Cinema (in the 
live cinema category we are looking for projects that rely on both 
performance and technology in order to become an audio-visual whole). 
All of the above in a context in which the artistic side is furthered 
by technology. This year we will also be paying special attention to 
projects, which involve light in their concept, composition, and/or 
The application forms are available in
PDF format - http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.pdf
RTF format ? http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.rtf
To find out more about the 2006 edition of the festival, including a 
full line-up, press-releases and photographs please take a look at: 
If you have further questions please contact us at info at strp.nl
'''Oct. 20 Art & Technology Festival CALL FOR PROJECTS '''
After a successful first edition, the STRP festival, which took place
in Eindhoven, Netherlands at the end of March 2006, is launching a
call for projects for its next edition, which will be taking in late
April of 2007.
The focus of the festival is the common ground created at the
intersection between art, popular culture and technology. The first
edition which welcomed over 10 000 visitors, and received very
positive attention from the press, made use of performances,
installations, lectures, films, etcetera in order to convey this
STRP takes place on Strijp-S, the 'holy' ground of the forbidden city
of Philips, where in the 20th century numerous technological
innovations were made which changed the world. A place where Einstein
once worked, the first complete electronic music album was created and
the collaboration between le Courboisier and Varese resulted in one of
the most interesting amalgamations between art and technology, Le
Poeme Electronique for the World Expo in Brussels (1958).
STRP is looking for projects, installations, or proposals that concern
themselves with interactive art, robotics and/or Live Cinema (in the
live cinema category we are looking for projects that rely on both
performance and technology in order to become an audio-visual whole).
All of the above in a context in which the artistic side is furthered
by technology. This year we will also be paying special attention to
projects, which involve light in their concept, composition, and/or
The application forms are available in
PDF format - http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.pdf
RTF format ? http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.rtf
'''[[September, 2006]]'''
'''[[August, 2006]]'''
'''[[July, 2006]]'''
'''[[June, 2006]]'''
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Latest revision as of 05:25, 7 October 2008

Ongoing Collection of Conferences / Festivals

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April 2009

April 15 : Canada Council for the Arts / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council New Media Initiative DEADLINE


January 2009



October 2008

October 15 : The Phenomenological Body, Its Spaces and Limits DEADLINE


October 2007



September 2007



Archival papers and notes document work that makes a lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of human-computer interaction.

SEPTEMBER 15 : DEADLINE FOR iDEAs 07: Beyond Boundaries

You are invited to submit digital art and design to iDEAs 07: Beyond Boundaries, an exhibition of artistic and innovative digital installations, creative mobile media, interactive pieces, web sites, games, digital images, film and video and more.

iDEAs 07 coincides with the International Digital Media and Arts Association conference Beyond Boundaries November 8th-10th, 2007



Enactive / 07 is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE and organized by the ACROE-ICA group, from INP-G. It will be held in Grenoble (France) on November 19-22, 2007.


SEPTEMBER 7 : transmediale.08 - Conspire ... DEADLINE

festival for art and digital culture berlin


August 2007

July 2007


Enactive / 07 is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE and organized by the ACROE-ICA group, from INP-G. It will be held in Grenoble (France) on November 19-22, 2007.


JULY 01 : CFP for ICAT2007


ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and Telexistence. The annual conference began in Japan and apart from New Zealand in 2005 the conference has never been held outside of Asia (Japan, South Korea, and China). Denmark is proud to be the inaugural European host country with Esbjerg, the Danish city of the year 2006 as host city.

The International ArtAbilitation conference (http://www.artabilitation.net) will be held parallel to ICAT.

June 2007

JUNE 01 : CFP for ISMAR2007 : Papers & Posters


Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) allow the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces, and are beginning to show significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, wearable computing, mobile computing, computer networks, displays, sensors, to name just some of the most important influences. MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide range of applications.

JUNE 02 : CFP for ACM Multimedia 2007

Interactive Art Program: Short Papers Submission Deadline


JUNE 15 : CFP for VRST2007 : Short Papers


The ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality.

May 2007

MAY 20 : CFP for VRST2007 : Full Papers


The ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality.

MAY 22 : CFP for ACM Multimedia 2007

Interactive Art Program: Long Paper and Art Exhibition Submission Deadline


MAY 25 : Call for Entries ARTS 2007 - Surrey Art Gallery

Deadline for entry: Fri, May 25, 4pm

The Arts Council of Surrey, in collaboration with the Surrey Art Gallery, invites artists working in a variety of materials to enter its annual juried art exhibition. ARTS 2007 will take place at the Surrey Art Gallery from June 23 to August 19.

The Arts Council of Surrey welcomes entries from artists residing in Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Delta and Richmond. Artists from outside these areas are also encouraged to enter; however, they must belong to clubs that are members of the Arts Council of Surrey, or must become an individual member.

Follow this link to the Surrey Art Gallery's Information for Artists web page:

www.surrey.ca/Living+in+Surrey/Arts/Surrey+Art+Gallery/Opportunities/Calling+All+Artists.htm <http://www.surrey.ca/Living+in+Surrey/Arts/Surrey+Art+Gallery/Opportunities/Calling+All+Artists.htm>

Questions and/or comments? Contact the Arts Council of Surrey at 604-585-2787 or info@artscouncilofsurrey.ca <mailto:info@artscouncilofsurrey.ca> .

April 2007


Sketches & Posters http://www.siggraph.org/s2007/presenters/sap/

The Sketches & Posters program provides a forum for new and thought-provoking ideas, techniques, and applications in computer graphics and interactive techniques. This program covers a broad spectrum of topics in art, design, science, and engineering. Targeting the frontiers of these areas, Sketches & Posters encompasses ideas ranging from speculation to academic research, from industrial development and practical tools to behind-the-scenes explanations of commercial and artistic work. Submitted abstracts describe the work in a single page, but the goal of these programs to is present and discuss the work in person at SIGGRAPH 2007.

Sketches & Posters offers two distinct presentation styles: as either a scheduled oral presentation (a "sketch") in an auditorium, or as visual materials (a "poster") on display in the convention center. Poster presenters will be asked to appear with their posters (and/or similar materials) to meet interested viewers at intervals during the conference.



ACM Multimedia 2007 invites you to participate in the premier annual multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia computing: from underlying technologies to applications, theory to practice, and servers to networks to devices.

The technical program will consist of plenary sessions and talks with topics of interest in:
  (a) Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval;
  (b) Multimedia networking, sensor networks, and systems support;
  (c) Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications; and
  (d) Multimedia interfaces;


Online Submmission : http://www.newformsfestival.com/submissions/submission.php


The New Forms Festival is an annual cross-disciplinary festival exploring installation, performance, music, film, and electronic arts.

March 2007



CONCEPT: MIXED REALITIES calls for proposals that challenge our preconceptions of what constitutes "reality." It asks producers to create environments that invite participants to act/perform in multiple spaces.

Information and telecommunications technologies allow us to be continuously connected via the Internet or mobile networks. We engage one another via e-mail, chat, the interlinked pages of the World Wide Web, and SMS. We create identities, and forge relationships and communities. Boundaries between real space and virtual space blur; near and far reverse themselves. Passive consumption of art is replaced by the performative--art that requires (inter)action, and involves time and space.



Main Categories http://www.aec.at/en/prix/cat_overview.asp

  • Computer Animation / Film / VFX
  • Interactive Art
  • Digital Musics
  • Hybrid Art
  • Digital Communities
  • u19 – Freestyle Computing
  • [The Next Idea] Art and Technology Grant
  • Media.Art.Research Award



OBORO welcomes original projects that promote critical thinking and artistic practices. We accept proposals from artists, artist collectives, and independent curators who are looking to present exhibits, events and conferences as well as to produce publications or do a residency. OBORO also hosts media art related residencies throught its New Media Lab (for more information please visit: http://www.oboro.net/lab/activities.html).

The programming committee looks at artistic vision, Montréal context, diversity and budget when considering a proposal. Before submitting your portfolio please look at our website carefully. It provides a good overview of past artistic content. In terms of work requiring the use of technology, please contact us to make sure we have the resources you need. OBORO pays artist fees in accordance with standards set by representative organizations and bodies responsible for collecting royalties.

January 2007

  • JANUARY12 Call for Work in progress, CHI 2007
  • JANUARY19 Call for Art Gallery, SIGGRAPH 2007
  • JANUARY19 Call for Emerging Technology, SIGGRAPH 2007


JANUARY31 Second Call for Abstracts for MutaMorphosisA Leonardo 40th Anniversary celebration http://mutamorphosis.org/

MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences 8-10 November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

The international conference will concentrate on the growing interest -- within the worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in EXTREME AND HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic indicators of the mutations that are taking place. They are potential vectors that make possible an awareness of the different problems at the origin of the disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the Earth's eco-systems.

We invite practitioners in the arts, sciences, engineering and humanities to submit abstracts that explore the limits and extremes within the following streams of interest:

How do the arts and sciences deal with new ideas about strategies of life in extreme conditions?

How do the arts and sciences face radical scales and extreme environments?

How do the arts and sciences address evolving ideas about cognition in extreme environments?

500-word abstracts required by 31 January 2007 via email to mutamorphosis@ciant.cz

All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of International Advisory Committee including Marc Battier, Nina Czegeldy, Michele Emmer, Machiko Kusahara, Lubica Lacinova, Michael Punt, Sonya Rapoport, Nicolas Reeves and others.

Submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference is organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. The festival will feature also the first retrospective exhibition of Frank J. Malina.

Conference Honorary Panel includes: Rudolf Arnheim, Ivan M. Havel, Jasia Reichardt, Itsuo Sakane, Sonia Sheridan

Join us in Prague 8-10 November 2007.

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info


Leonardo-isast mailing list Leonardo-isast@mit.edu http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/leonardo-isast

>> ARCHIVE 2006

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