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To be sure, '''please send me email 3 days before it is due to ensure I've completed and sent your form'''.
To be sure, '''please send me email 3 days before it is due to ensure I've completed and sent your form'''.
NOTE: I will do non-private letters that you can read, but the private ones hold more weight'''
'''NOTE: I will do non-private letters that you can read, but the private ones hold more weight'''

Revision as of 14:10, 3 May 2007

If you require a letter of recommendation, let me know via email if it is an online process.

If it is NOT a phone call and I must generate a letter or form, I require 2 weeks heads up. I will not write letters if I have less time than this, no exceptions.

Even more heads-up time is appreciated.

1. Send me email telling me that this is coming, along with the due date in bold (or prominently visible) title the email URGENT so my spam filters don't nab it

2. Attach your updated CV to the email

3. Tell me who this is for and what position (one size-fits-all letters are not taken too seriously)

4. Title the email appropriately so I can do a <find> on it (i.e., URGENT: letter of rec. request)

5. Let me know what and who this is for and and its context so I can write as specific a letter as possible

6. Provide anything else that would be useful; for instance, a short description of the company or institution;

  • The title of the person they seek to hire or admit to their program
  • Anything from their form that I should know upfront.
  • 3 bulleted items concerning your skills that speak to your skills in that context (for exmaple, ILM CS-Art liaison would require 3 different bulleted items than an application to MIT's Media Lab, where you'd have to provide me with your choice of faculty member,
  • What you want to do there (as stated in your letter of intent, etc.)
  • The DUE DATE prominently displayed

7. the method of transmission (send via email, they'll call me after 6:30pm on x date, online form, snail mail)

To be sure, please send me email 3 days before it is due to ensure I've completed and sent your form.

NOTE: I will do non-private letters that you can read, but the private ones hold more weight